Customer Name : Vijaya Bank, Bangalore

About Customer

Vijaya Bank, Bangalore consulted AWAN for having their Conference Room designed by Audio Video solutions and now is very happy to have the Sennheiser Conference system solution provided by AWAN.


Products Installed

Apart - CM20 Speakers

Sennheiser - ADN C1 & ADN D1

Symetrix - Radius AEC2

Sennheiser - Microphones


Products USP

Symetrix DSP AEC is used in Conference system for Near end & far end noise cancellation. The quality of sound is thus very good.



“AWAN has very good knowledge in pro sound with best audio products design. The Conference Room has been designed very well, AWAN have done a good integration job, we are happy with their service & also with AWAN team, it was a very good experience overall.”